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Mission: To inspire greatness

Want to make more money? Want to increase sales? The real question is do you have the skill and/or will to make your dreams reality? The X Factor Selling System was created by Thomas F. La Vecchia as a way to simply “get to the point” and find out not only what is important to your customers, but also what prompts them to act.

 "The X Factor Selling System: The Sales Expert’s Guide to Selling" is now available!

“The X Factor Selling System: The Sales Expert’s Guide to Selling” is now available!




Visit our website, thesalesexpertusa.com, and request a motivational talk and to reserve a seat at The Sales Expert’s next seminar!

The seminars give you the opportunity to practice the X Factor Selling System in its true form and in a learning environment. The seminars will also provide valuable information to further understand the system in order to implement the method, to customize your goals, and you can meet new and fun people!

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